Is it ever too early to ask your children what would you like to be in the future? Well, how about NO the answer is no and in fact it is probably the best thing to begin asking them as early as 4 years old, While you’re at it take lots of notes and begin researching as soon as your kiddo responds with an answer. V & K have been consistent with their future plans…maybe a tinker change here or there but clearly their futures will include a business owned together and some form of beauty and entertainment to help people feel beautiful. This is why when given the opportunity to experience a kids chef for the day at the ICE Culinary education center, in collaboration with the NYS 529 Education planning professionals we had to attend.
That is a double dosage Twindollicious style load of information along with experiences to get a jump start on making those future goals closer to reality.
Did you know that when parents of multiples begin the application process for their children their finances are automatically viewed as cut in half which allows for qualification to assistance if needed?
Also did you ever wonder how much debt USA is in student loans? Over 1 trillion dollars. I’ll say that a perfect way to lower this deficit is by starting a 529 plan. How about contacting a representative to guide you through the easy 1,2,3 step process.
We were so over joyed with all of the positive information that each child now has a NYS 529 plan that can be used for College (Universities) or any Professional school; such as culinary school….which by the looks of V & K’s experience will be here before we know it.
Twindollicious has a mission to inspire, motivate and support creating a healthy, happy and fun bonded lifestyle of friendship while encouraging love and sharing of commonalities through the inspiration of fashion and lifestyle stories.