Art matters!! Don’t we all agree!?
V & K usually spend their days after school with extra curricular activities as many other fortunate children do, but it’s those moments when they find tools and objects around the house to express their creativity that I adore.
Yes, twins enjoy individual things but don’t forget there are many things to enjoy together. We are all born creative beings. Some of us are able to express it at an early age while others need to explore themselves and find their creative purpose.
Let’s continue to share our creative commonalities while encouraging each other on the sidelines during our individual time to shine.
– sharing “she persisted” a level of reading appropriate for beginning mini entrepreneurs, along with a sneak peek moment of Book 3 of the TwinDollicious stories …..below
Image includes one of V & Ks favorite books “She Persisted” by Chelsea Clinton
“Summer Camp Here we come!” By Twindollicious author Natasha D’Anna
Twindollicious has a mission to inspire, motivate and support creating a healthy, happy and fun bonded lifestyle of friendship while encouraging love and sharing of commonalities through the inspiration of fashion and lifestyle stories.
Read about the fashion, friendly fun twin sisters