Sunday funday included a trip to our local Costco; which I have come to love for many reasons. One being that it’s a shopping trip with doubles in mind. Their shopping carts are made for us, with two front row seats to fit my girls perfectly. The samples of food add time for shopping and less worries about reaching home quickly to make dinner or lunch. Lastly, I kind of enjoy bulk buying. Now it seems that V and K have their own agendas and I have photos for proof. See below from bottom to top; I will describe the HAPPENINGS in numerical order of what I think may have been going on. Because pictures tell a thousand stories. (btw If she were wearing heels instead of rubber sole baby minnentonka you could probable her the stomps around the store) 🙂 🙂
1. K: sissy, we’re supposed to be getting mom to go down the fruit snack aisle.
2. K: but, Sissy what are you doing?
3. K: ok (thinking) what can I do to get her to work with me and have mom pick up those snacks?
4. Hugs, smiles and poses for mommy always work

Twindollicious has a mission to inspire, motivate and support creating a healthy, happy and fun bonded lifestyle of friendship while encouraging love and sharing of commonalities through the inspiration of fashion and lifestyle stories.