When I started thought to text Tuesday, it was to share my idea of self publishing and collaborating successfully with other artists. Within the past two weeks we have visited schools and children’s organizations to share our story. The outcome of these visits are always spectacular! The children were so interested in creating their own stories, beginning art projects and working together that the coordinators and teachers assigned them to create their own stories using my suggested first two steps in creating a story book.
We used a template ( soon to be added as a free download on the website http://www.twindollicious.com/ ) which included the cover page for illustration and the first two important pages of a book: introduction and setting.
Each additional page included a large area for thumbnails or illlustration along with an area for adding their thoughts to text . The quick and simple layout helped the children begin their books. Many of them had great book ideas already and were excited for this assignment. This event covered many areas of our goal to encourage, embrace, teaching and friendship. And though this youthful group may have just been introduced to book creating a long lasting impressionn may open their hearts to becoming artists.
The children continued their stories after our visit, and sent over these beautiful messages regrding our book reading events.