On the second day of Christmas we sharing a few of our favorite things to do and wear on cold snow days. We found ourselves in Winter Wonderland. This winter wonderland in Willowbrook Park, was filled with snow and ice covered branches, train rides around the park, a beautiful carousel, music and hot chocolate. To keep the girls warm from all of the cold were layers upon layers of comfy clothes….. and somewhere underneath it all was their new favorite Twindollicious t shirt (which they have yet to decorate).
V & K enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate, a train ride, carousel ride, a wink and wave to Santa. Now holiday fun like this is a BIG one of our favorite things.
We are continuing our giveaways for day 2 with youth size Medium and Large Twindollicious t shirt for decorating fun: If you would like to join in please Like Twindollicious on facebook, follow on Twitter and Instagram( http://www.twindollicious.com/ ).. tag as many friends as you’d like and have them follow those steps. Winners will be announced 12/25/13 and continued taggers can win all listed giveaways.