The best part of traveling includes family and traditions.
We love to visit new places and discover new things; yet we also love to take our traditional road trips to our favorite places to continue building our family memories.
This years trip to Twins day festival was extra special. There seems to be a pattern of it getting better and better each year.
We took a road trip to Twinsburg Ohio in the coolest and safest Mazda CX-9 . The kiddos enjoyed the music and navigation features which let them know how far we were from our destination…..without them asking the infamous “are we there yet?”
As a driver, I enjoyed the room and luxury of my very own space. The 3 row seater vehicle is my favorite now that we have 3 children. The crystal white CX-9 Mazda has made its way to the top of our list, as we are currently on the hunt for a new vehicle coming October. I am always impressed with the safety features on this vehicle and now that we have had the opportunity to test drive the car for a week to one of our favorite place, it’s time to possibly make her one of the family.
Have you ever fallen in love with a vehicle and gave it a gender?
Amongst all the other excitement happening during our week in Twinsburg, V & K witnessed a royal twins wedding!
There’s more to come…. especially if you’re a fan of the TLC network.
Disclosure: this post was created with my personal opinion.