You know how the saying goes.. Time flies when you’re having fun.
This summer has gone by so fast and yes we are happy to be back at school. V and K are learning new things, getting to know new teachers, friends and routine. Yet, we can’t help but reminisce about our summer of ’17 our favorite styles and moments shared before spending 6 hours a day apart.
Here are our top favoriteS:
-Our little Bash turned one years old and we celebrated Carnival style.
Face paint just feels better at a carnival
– our summer travels included short but sweet weekend getaways. We traveled to Lake George, Twinsburg Ohio, Florida and Chincoteague Beach Va. our most memorable place is always Twinsburg. V & K enjoy their friends from all across the world that come together just to share this fun filled, bonded weekend with twins and their families. We were so excited to share our new book release there as well.
Summer ’17 Included lots of blue in our everyday style in celebration of our favorite boy BASH!
Twindollicious has a mission to inspire, motivate and support creating a healthy, happy and fun bonded lifestyle of friendship while encouraging love and sharing of commonalities through the inspiration of fashion and lifestyle stories.
Read about the fashion, friendly fun twin sisters