Wellie Wishers!! The new book series and dolls by the American Girl brand could not have come at a better time. It’s officially the count down to the last days of the school year and those wonderful 5 -7 year old girls would appreciate an introduction to a bit of adventure from the garden stories along with a new best friend to dress up.
After meeting Valerie Tripp – the wonderful author of the books, I knew that even I would enjoy a trip down the American girl memory lane; with this new series of friends and so I began reading to the Twins as soon as they arrived home from school.
I made a brave mom of twins choice and surprised both V & K with the Ashlyn doll because of her love for dance and fun (personality to suite the girls) and received smiles and kisses of approval. The girls immediately began to play based on Ashlyn’s personality and interest which included a perfectly fitting tiara and tutu.
Thanks to the new Wellie Wisher friends we will be spending lots of summer days enjoying pretend play with Ashlyn and cannot wait to include her other friends Willa, Camille, Emerson and Kendall!

Twindollicious has a mission to inspire, motivate and support creating a healthy, happy and fun bonded lifestyle of friendship while encouraging love and sharing of commonalities through the inspiration of fashion and lifestyle stories.