It’s officially Spring and the sun came along with it!
We’re ready for all of the spring colors and flowers that are in season for kids fashion & styles. V & K cannot wait to wear the new patchy tutus that come in their favorite color pink and of course that special staple color black. These tutus were hand designed by them and have worked their way into the next adventures of TwinDolliciius sisters Violet and Kelly’s wardrobe. You’ll be able to read about their next adventure ” Summer camp here we come” this fall…. but for NOW let’s enjoy some of our favorite Spring Fashion Inspiration .
Styles by TwinDollicious
V & K wearing Ralph Lauren kids top/floral pants //twinkle toes :sneakers —-stomping down the snow!
Striped tank tutu dress /blue worn by TwinDolls
Glitter band tutu skirts worn by TwinDolls

Twindollicious has a mission to inspire, motivate and support creating a healthy, happy and fun bonded lifestyle of friendship while encouraging love and sharing of commonalities through the inspiration of fashion and lifestyle stories.