Important Life Skills You Need As A Parent


As a parent, you will likely need to learn many different skills for various scenarios. Much as life can, parenting will throw you a curveball when you least expect it and put you through your paces in one way or another. Whether tackling quarreling siblings, navigating healthcare for children, or supporting educational hurdles, many challenges can be thrown your way in terms of parenting.

One of the key factors in how these situations pan out is how you handle them. The more skills you have under your belt, the more empowered you will feel to deal with anything parenting throws at you, whether your kids are 6 weeks old, 6 years old, or 36. These skills are not just tools; they are your armor, ensuring you’re ready for any challenge that comes your way. They give you the confidence to navigate the unpredictable journey of parenting, knowing that you have the ability to handle whatever comes your way.

Without further ado, what skills will serve you well as a beginner and help you navigate the choppy water of pawning so you can get back to smooth sailing as quickly as possible?


Problem-solving skills are not just beneficial but crucial for parents. There will be numerous instances when you’ll find yourself facing a challenge or two, and sometimes, they might even come at the same time. Being able to think clearly and approach these problems with a logical thought process can significantly help you to solve any issues thrown your way and achieve the best possible results.

Crisis Management

Crisis management is not just a fancy term; it’s your superpower as a parent. It’s your ability to see clearly when things aren’t going well, lead your family to safety through critical thinking, and put effective plans in place. It’s like being the captain of a ship, steering your family through rough waters and ensuring everyone reaches the shore safely.

Remaining calm in a crisis and responding appropriately is invaluable in any area of life, especially when your child needs you. Whether it’s a fixing scrape on the knee, a household disaster, finding a new plan becuase you forgot to buy the birthday cake, or taking a CPR test to help with medical emergencies, crisis management is a skill worth developing for an easier parenting life.


Allowing your child autonomy to learn and develop as their own person is a skill that parents need to help them facilitate raising a healthy and well-adjusted child. Not allowing your child to do anything or think for themselves might seem natural, but it will only increase their limitations. Teach them about body autonomy, consent, and self-reliance and allow them the space and safety to make informed decisions and develop their own mind, thoughts, and behaviors that help them to grow into a well-rounded adult. This investment in their autonomy will not only make your parenting life easier now but will also pay off in their future independence and success.

Emotional Intelligence

Children learn many things from their parents, and one of those things is how to deal with emotions. If you aren’t skilled at effectively dealing with your feelings, then you will pass this limitation on to your children as they grow up. Possessing emotional intelligence means you are able to perceive, express, and regulate emotions, and you can healthily express yourself no matter how you are feeling. This is an important skill to model for your children as it will help them to understand their own emotions and learn how to develop them and deal with them as they get older. They need to be shown healthy outlets for emotions and how to deal with overwhelming feelings appropriately.


Communication goes way past the verbal word, and you need to focus on how effectively you communicate so that your child can communicate. The easier it is for you to communicate as a family, the stronger your bond with your child will be, and the easier it will be for your child to communicate with the world as they get older. Think of how you talk to your child at different ages and how to effectively communicate thoughts and ideas so you can express yourself clearly. Adapt your verbal communication. Body language and reactions so you can benefit from an improved relationship, offer support, and effectively discipline where necessary. This communication is not just a tool; it’s the foundation of your relationship with your child, and it’s crucial for their emotional and social development.


Flying by the seat of your pants and winging it might work for some people, but even in the smallest ssense of the word, being organized is vital for parents. You need to know what is going on at all times and have a plan in place to help you get from where you are to where you need to be. You need a clear plan of what needs to be in place for a range of scenarios. It could be having a meal plan so you know what you’re eating each day, a coordinated school drop off and pick up effort with friends or family members, or a calendar to help you organize appointments. You need to have some level of organization in your life as a parent to allow you to get through the day and ensure everything is ticked off and taken care of where needed.

Multi Tasking

Multi-tasking is the one skill pretty much every parent has. Whether you need to drive home home while your child regales you of the day’s events at school, you’re trying to make breakfast while booking a doctor’s appointment, or you are hosting a work call while breastfeeding, there are going to be many times you have the opportunity to multi-task and being able to perfect this will go a long way to helping you out when things get busy as a parent. Plus, the more you’re able to do with ease at once, the easier it will be to manage other areas of your life and transfer these skills to make you a more efficient parent.


As a parent, you really need to improve your listening skills. Not just to the incidents where you need to get involved, such as bedroom disputes or accidents in the garden, but to hear the things that aren’t actually being said.

Being able to listen to what is and isn’t being said by one another can help you build a bigger picture of what is going on in your family. Practicing active listening can allow you to really listen to what your children are telling you so you can hear them as they need to be heard and offer the right level of support and care for the situation. Listening is an integral part of life, and as a parent, you need to be able to hear anything and everything to offer your family what they need.


In parenting, it isn’t always “my way or the highway”; you need to learn to compromise and negotiate. Children don’t start to develop common sense or reasoning until around the age of seven, and cognitive development and maturity only begin to develop around 12 years of age too. This means you will likely need to negotiate with your children to get the desired behaviors or actions from them easily. Fighting with a toddler isn’t something anyone wants to do, yet it’s inevitable for most parents due to their inability to reason with you. Honing those negotiation skills can help you have an easier life and meet the needs of both yourself and your child too.

As a parent, you will likely develop skills in any area. While cooking, cleaning, and loving are part of the course, the skills mentioned in this post can go a long way toward helping you raise your family in the best possible way and making your life so much easier.


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Size guide

Size Waist Length
12-18 Months 18" 8-9"
2T 19" 10"
3T 19 1/2" 10"
4T 20" 10"
5T 20 1/2" 10 1/2"
6-7T 21" 11"

Youth size guide

  X-Small (YXS) Small (YS) Medium (YM) Large (YL) X-Large (YXL)
Chest 31 34 36 38 40
Width Measurement (inches) 15.5 17 18 19 20
Length Measurement (inches) 19.5 21.5 23 25 26.5
Size Equivalent 2-4 6-8 10-12 14-16 16-18