Summer officially begins in July; as the feeling of schools years end sets in. We’ve been working on some fun interactive things to send to our friends that purchase and visit the TwinDollicious website TwinDollicious We’re very excited to share these printable pages with young artists and authors. This is a fun way to share your summer stories or journal, include illustrations with others; and possibly share with your friends at school when returning in September. The printable pages are free to download here, stickers and actual pages are in mailed packages. Use your imagination, lots of color and remember to sign your name. You can even share it with us on Facebook and Instagram ….link to @twindollicious! We would love to see and read them :):)
Twindollicious has a mission to inspire, motivate and support creating a healthy, happy and fun bonded lifestyle of friendship while encouraging love and sharing of commonalities through the inspiration of fashion and lifestyle stories.
Read about the fashion, friendly fun twin sisters