Halloween eve has turned into pumpkin picking, pumpkin painting, smoke machines, filling candy bowls, carving utensils, and Halloween story books. It has always been an exciting time of year. Something about dressing up as your favorite characters and being someone different in a disguise is quite nice. It’s also very child like which is probably why I enjoy it so. This year the girls were so excited to paint their pumpkins, then work with their grandma on cutting and carving once the paint was dry. (painting can be found on our youtube video…as we’re practicing identifying colors… www.youtube.com/ search natashadanna). We also made a few decorations of our own. An hollow pumpkin made of a piece of a fake Xmas tree branch for the stem, pipe cleaners and ruffled plastic party lays in orange. To top it off the girls have chosen for me to be a GOOD witch. They will be dressed as lady bugs with tutus of course and wings. Wishing everyone a wonderful and safe Halloween from Twindollicious V & K. :):)

Twindollicious has a mission to inspire, motivate and support creating a healthy, happy and fun bonded lifestyle of friendship while encouraging love and sharing of commonalities through the inspiration of fashion and lifestyle stories.