Girls and make-ups


Who knew that a war over makeups…as my two year old girls call it, starts at this age.? Well, these two spend time during the day playing with their toy pocket books, mirrors and makeups and that is wonderful and adorable to me. But today they happened to stumble upon daddy’s (non the less) bumblebee Chapstick and it all began. From my moment of making dinner in the quiet, peaceful lonesome kitchen entered a loud screech, bang and mooooommmy! I enter the dining room to see hair pulling, bags flying and two babies on the floor. I couldn’t help but laugh. Is that wrong of me? It was a moment I have never experienced in my life personally because I didnt grow up with a sister. I guess I was living vicariously through them for a moment as most parents do. As I intervened,I myself tripped over the dining room table and That was when reality set in. This may be just the beginning. What is going to happen in 15 years when someone is wearing someone else’s Bobbi brown lip gloss? That’s when I put them together, took the Chapstick away and said “hug!” I think this will be my remedy for as long as it works because it did. I’m pretty sure that mom’s of older children, experienced moms and sisters have stories to share. I Love my Twindollicious babies.

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Size guide

Size Waist Length
12-18 Months 18" 8-9"
2T 19" 10"
3T 19 1/2" 10"
4T 20" 10"
5T 20 1/2" 10 1/2"
6-7T 21" 11"

Youth size guide

  X-Small (YXS) Small (YS) Medium (YM) Large (YL) X-Large (YXL)
Chest 31 34 36 38 40
Width Measurement (inches) 15.5 17 18 19 20
Length Measurement (inches) 19.5 21.5 23 25 26.5
Size Equivalent 2-4 6-8 10-12 14-16 16-18