Well the easter bunny has just left our house. He dropped off a bunch of goodies for the girls and planted some extra eggs around for them to find.
Personally Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays, besides the great significance behind it, there’s so much fun involved. There are those beautiful Easter bonnets and dresses; suits and ties, family and friends. I had to share some photos of our Baskets.
Tip: for moms with multiples or just more than one child keepsake baskets with their on them goes a long way. It eliminates confusion over not finding the exact same straw design disposable basket and it helps the children with name recognition ;)……now all you have to worry about is filling it up evenly and putting it away for the next year. This was a great gift given to my girls on their first Easter 🙂 :). The rest of our fillings of course are so Twindollicious with bff t shirts by ruum, chalk (a favorite) beads, bunnies, bubbles and bows.
We’re also sharing their first Easter bonnet.. Not exactly traditional but they were pretty small babies and had to stay warm.
Twindollicious has a mission to inspire, motivate and support creating a healthy, happy and fun bonded lifestyle of friendship while encouraging love and sharing of commonalities through the inspiration of fashion and lifestyle stories.
Read about the fashion, friendly fun twin sisters