January 16 marks the 16th day of a new year.?? I keep hearing everyone mention that it’s only 6 days, 12 days or 16 days in for that matter. Talk about putting the pressure on to make some changes and succeed at those resolutions. I’ve never thought of counting down or up the days into the new year. I also don’t remember ever making a resolution that lasted past the 31st.
As a matter of fact on 12/31/2012 I made my resolution and have acted on it because it is my new responsibility. I’m not sure if this will help others as far as the thought of your resolution, but it works for me. With that I am attaching a new page development from our “Precisely Twindollicious” book. I hope you all like it. Can anyone guess what my resolution was 🙂 :).
Twindollicious has a mission to inspire, motivate and support creating a healthy, happy and fun bonded lifestyle of friendship while encouraging love and sharing of commonalities through the inspiration of fashion and lifestyle stories.
Read about the fashion, friendly fun twin sisters