Black history Month is embraced every year by educators, parents and businesses across our country. However being a mom who has 3 children learning remotely for the first time means that I was able to listen in on the lessons learned this year. My Pre-k learner did not experience much during his on line class lesson and my 5th graders did a dive into the history of inventors (which I loved ). As stated above being able to listen in allowed for me to add what I thought they were missing from Black History Month as a celebration.
We did some deep diving into current black history makers. We compared the history of people who made a change such as Harriet Tubman and compared her work with current inventors, creators and change makers of today such as Kamala Harris.
My beautiful network of mamas at Hey Mama Co hosted Meena Harris who is doing her part as a change maker and following the women before her to make a difference with her work. My girls had the opportunity to listen to her speak because it matters most to let the kiddos experience the learning lessons as they are occurring.
Please see the amazing author we chose to speak about and place at the forefront of our library in order to allow the kids to pull for reading time. It is so important to share the books and work of the amazing creators but I wanted to hi-light the personal story as well.
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