We’re celebrating back to school with some of our favorite summer of 2016 highlights !!
Starting with summer camp: V&K may have had hesitation about summer camp but somehow it became the best part of rising early in the morning and when it was all done they were pretty sad. The girls met new friends from different schools and neighborhoods and also visited some awesome museums and workshops. When asked what was your favorite thing to do at camp their response was gardening.
Here are a few great pics of what 5 year old gardeners look like:
Next memorable summer event: visiting Martha’s Vineyard and other mini vacays! But keeping traditions matter & Martha’s vineyard has been our traditional summer getaway before children and easily transitioned to include them. Staying committed to memorable events help mold cultured children that hold your immediate families beliefs close to their hearts to hopefully pass on to their families.
V&K here at State Road: (A favorite of the Obama’s)
Last but certainly not least of this summers events; highlights them all: the arrival of baby brother aka Kenneth Sebastian aka “Bash”. We couldn’t be anymore blessed. Sibling love is written all of their faces and my wish is for it to never end!
Sharing more of Bash ..to come!

Twindollicious has a mission to inspire, motivate and support creating a healthy, happy and fun bonded lifestyle of friendship while encouraging love and sharing of commonalities through the inspiration of fashion and lifestyle stories.