‘Twas the night before the first (full) day of school and mommy’s head was filled with worries while TwinDollicious sisters V & K calmly slept in their beds….. This has seriously been the most worrisome time in our little lives; at least for me it has. The girls have been prepped through play, conversation and separation with Music class for months; but when the big day comes we’re all nervous deep down inside.
Some how their morning begins a lot like I had visioned them to be…. Getting ready for school together, doing mirror checks with matching outfits and reminding each other of their teachers and new friends names (at 3 1/2).
With Their 5 day a week busy schedule and extracurricular events I’ve turned to reading a great book during my morning skypes and phone conferences. I’ll fill you all in on the great pointers as I highlight the goodies like EX: The first 4 years of a child’s life molds them to the greater years. The TwinDollicious lifestyle brand and stories would have never been a dream that I could fulfill without the birth of V & K. So as we grow, create new stories, designs, friendships priorities will always be for them to lead happy, sibling loving, successful lifestyles TOGETHER :):)
Twindollicious has a mission to inspire, motivate and support creating a healthy, happy and fun bonded lifestyle of friendship while encouraging love and sharing of commonalities through the inspiration of fashion and lifestyle stories.
Read about the fashion, friendly fun twin sisters