It’s never too late to start making those summer plans. However, you have to remember that if you don’t act on the thought that is reminding you to go out and have fun this Summer, it will pass you by.
Here are some of the ways we are balancing fun and work for the family into our schedules.
Though school has only ended a week ago we are staying in the loop of what’s to come by doing some summer reading as well as preparing for 8th grade graduation, leading the twins into high school.
The first step is Prepping for Highschool with tutors at Caddell Prep
Their programs are flexible and based on the child and parents schedule in order to still enjoy the summer. it is best to prep for the specialized Highschool and private school tests before the tests roll around in October.
Summer reading is a must for the parents as well as the kiddos.
Bash will be going into the 2nd grade ( which is so unbelievable !) We have made 2 trips to the library already this month to utilize his library card. He pulled stories from the Poppleton Series.
V & K will be reading Hidden figures and writing about the literary work as well as the movie.
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle is the highly recommended adult book of choice. It is the book that words it’s literary magic to bring you as the reader to a place of now. The current slow down that we should all try to strive for during these beautiful months of summer weather, combined with a book of learning ourselves and present enjoyment is what the DR orders.
Overall while we are feeding our minds and souls, we should also feed our adrenaline and growth in the most joyous ways.
This can happen by planning at least one family vacation or getaway ( away ) from home. If this is possible grab your computer or mobile device and begin planning right now! Do Not Wait…Summer goes by in a flash!
We cannot wait to share where we will be visiting this Summer.
If we wait for the right moment to do the things, they will not get done. Remember we all need a change of scenery and the average conversation about what’s for dinner and who will park the car or put the dish, towels or groceries away!
Our top choices for close to NYC beach visits are:
(A short ride to the beach)
The kiddos will be spending a couple of days a week at our parish camp in order to avoid too much down time. Their routine days with friends will keep them socialized and believe it or not (parents) looking forward to the routine. This will also allow for us parents to get work done (whether inside or outside of the home).
The best part of Summer are the longer days…. so we will guarantee to take part in all day and evening activities that fill our souls, we encourage you to do the same.
Happy Summer !!
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