Hey Dolls!
”Twas the night before the first day of school and all through the house are pencil sharpeners roaring and scrambling throughout.
The kids are filled with excitement and parents are too, for tomorrow will bring something new.
A new year of learning a new year of self. A new style added to their fashion a new academic notch on their belts.
(check style choices below by number)
For our school year of 2019 there will be something new… our little bash will be heading out too! He’s attending a 3 yr old program for a few days a week, and this mamas belly is filled with anticipation that he’s their(s) to keep.
V & K have shopped and style their back to school gear, style and supplies and to my surprise it’s a touch of Twindollicious inspired.
We’re wishing all of the lovely kiddos in NYC and our fitness who have already started an amazing school year.
May you follow all of the rules, make conscious decisions with friends, be kind, give the best of yourselves and study to succeed.
1. justice style with twelve little backpack nina kids shoes
2. osh kosh / carter’s with Nina kids shoes
3. kid box subscription with nina kids shoes
4. Zara kids , Gap , Kidpik subscription box
5. Justice , kidpik
6. Kidpik , Justice , Nina kids shoes