How are you and your family handling the winter skin blues? Whether you are a happy winter lover or a just getting by survivor of the dry skin that occurs as a reflection of cold winters; there’s always a solution.
Our family is a blended combination of dry to oily skin With a mix of eczema. Due to everyone having different skin care needs we needed to find a moisturizing lotion that will suit us all during the season.
Lubriderm ‘s advanced therapy lotion moisturizes for 24 hours, so using it once a day for protection against dry skin all winter long is just what our family needs!
The morning routine has become so much easier since adding lubriderm to our regiment. The kiddos are happy to put their layers and face the cold because their most important layer (which is their skin is protected). Myself as well as one of the twins suffer from eczema so having a guaranteed go to for relief; in this rich creamy lotion makes our skin happy. it has brought back the a resilient and healthier look in just one week after break outs.
Skincare is an important part of beauty and self care which is why we choose to keep our lubriderm handy at all times. ***Lubriderm can be found at your local Walmart for $6.97. ***
Photo credit: MomTrends
Disclosure: This post has been sponsored yet all opinions and experiences are of my own.